One of the broccoli plants in our garden is called purple peacock. A plant that not only provides us with a nice little head of broccoli followed by numerous smaller ones, but the leaves are most delicious as well. This plant comes from crosses between Green Goliath broccoli and two kale's. I assume from looking at the leaves that the kale's are red and white Russian. We really like this vegetable not only for its culinary versatility but compact and very cold hardy nature as well. I love looking at the ruffled leaves, it is unlike any other broccoli I have seen. There were a few issues with brassicas prematurely bolting this year but none of the peacock broccoli were involved in the dissent. They seem to be slow growing and very reliable thus far.
I first heard about this wonderful plant on a few years back and just had to grow my own. I have not been disappointed.
Can you believe I've never seen broccoli grow? Yours looks fantastic! As much broccoli as we eat we should try growing it. I wonder how it would do here in the humid heat. Might have to find out! Have a good 4th! :) Silke
You may have to try broccoli, I think collard greens do well in a warm humid environment. Broccoli might really thrive in your area also.
You and Daniel have a great 4th as well, and be careful on the beach.... sounds like a dangerous place.:)
Beautiful - nice variety portrait - I HAVE to get this one, and it's tempting me to think about doing a cross here... maybe for 2010...
It's definitely worth growing, for the leaves alone. I just checked on them and some of the heads are getting pretty good sized. Not like stuper market big but not bad. I would say they get about half as big as your average broccoli head, but are much more interesting.
I believe the original seed was purchased from 'Bountiful Gardens'. I hope to save my own this year but have to let my umpqua broccoli finish first.
Thanks for the reminder about Fedco. Our climate is so different, but there are still things to try.
It never ceases to amaze me how plants from all over the world can do so well in our supposedly limited cold climate garden. A couple years ago I committed to trying at least two new things every year. Some of those plants are now permanent fixtures in the garden. For example, I can't imagine life without a tomatillo in the garden.
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