Saturday, July 30, 2011

Photosynthesize yourself!

I was recently reading that my home state of Idaho has one of the highest number of skin cancer cases in the nation, our neighboring states of Washington and Oregon are right up there too. Could any of this possibly have something to do with poor nutrition and not getting enough sun?

"Not enough" sun?

Doesn't the sun cause skin cancer and what does diet have to do with it? Check out this video for an interesting perspective on this issue.

Pretty convincing wasn't he, now I know that the nutrient dense blue green algae mentioned in the video sounds absolutely delicious, and the powdered supplements...mmm, yummy. But before you run out and purchase those interesting products might I suggest an alternative? All of the wonderful cancer preventing nutrients he talked about readily appear in common garden plants like purslane, kale, chicory, parsley, and many other vegetables, herbs, and weeds that can easily be grown in an ordinary garden. Take a look -

Purslane is said to contain the highest levels of omega 3 of any vegetables (kale has some too) and is an incredibly great source of calcium, magnesium, potassium, phenylalanine, and tryptophan...all of which go hand in hand with a little vitamin D from the sun to help a person feel great. Don't like the taste of purslane, try feeding it to your chickens and eating the eggs instead. I have read that chickens fed on purslane can lay eggs that have up to twenty times more omega-3 than your average egg. A cup of this plant contains all of the vitamin E, calcium, magnesium (one of the best sources), and potassium you need in a day and it also contains good amounts of vitamin C and A.

I have not planted purslane in the garden for years and years, it comes up on it's own and we consider it taboo to weed out this incredible plant even if it does appear in less than desirable places...we work around it. I never did have much luck starting it from seed so I let it do its own thing...and it seems to know what it's doing.:)

We first introduced this Golden Purslane to our garden many years ago and are also blessed to have a dark green variety that grows wild around here.

Chicory and kale are also supposed to be excellent sources of vitamins A, B complex, K, E, C, and both contain significant amounts of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, and magnesium....iron too. Kale is pack full of certain cartanoids - pigments plants evolved to help protect their tissues against the harmful effects of solar radiation. It is one of the highest sources of the cartnoids lutein and zeaxanthin both of which are believed to help protect us from skin cancer. Chicory with its deep delving roots contains even more minerals, like calcium, than kale does.

This, new to our garden, Red Bore Kale is not only attractive to look at but has surprised us with it's nice flavor.

Mineral rich Italian Chicory is one of our favorite salad ingredients.

Parsley is so amazing I wouldn't even know where to start, let's just say that it contains everything listed above and is one of the very best plant sources of vitamin K and various antioxidants.

The new parsley is coming along nicely while a couple rows down...

the old parsley is flowering and preparing to set seed.

And the herbs and weeds - take that obnoxious little chickweed that loves to take over in a healthy garden is crying out to be consumed, practically begging for attention, yet most discard it with a curse. Chickweed is long known for its healing properties and more nutritious than many of the vegetables that it shares space with.

What a weed, tastes like corn silk and makes a nice addition to our salads....the chickens like it too.

Hardy herbs like, oregano, sage, thyme and so on all fit nicely into this category being jam packed full of antioxidants. Mr. Shiow Y. Wang says - "Oregano has 42 times more antioxidant activity than apples, 30 times more than potatoes, 12 times more than oranges and four times more than blueberries." and he should know, being a USDA biochemist and all....right?

So if you live in Idaho, or anywhere else for that matter, and believe any of the above information to be true, don't be afraid to get a little sunshine and please consider growing a garden full of these amazing plants...I know we are and will continue to do so. In our colder climate all of the above listed plants with the exception of purslane can be grown 365 days a year or close to it, provided you supply them with a little protection from the elements during the cold know, the cold months pretty much being September through July around these parts.:)

While these thoughts make sense to us given our chosen lifestyle I do realize this may or may not be relevant to others depending upon their particular situation and/or beliefs about nutrition and it's effect on one's health. My intention in writing this post is not to argue the pros and cons of the pharmaceutical industry and the need for the products they sell, such as sunscreen, but instead to simply provide some insight for those like minded people who do wish to take a more holistic approach to these issues. Rather than searching far and wide for nutritional super foods it should be realized that these amazing supplements need not be any farther away than one's own backyard garden, herb bed, and the forests that surround us.


  1. excellent post!!! thanks for sharing such an important message.

    purslane is wonderful in smoothies. how do you like to consume it?

  2. We eat it raw in our salads and are always snacking on it while gardening. After seeing your last post I have been thinking of trying to powder it so we can use it in our berry smoothies during the winter months.:)

  3. This has been Jamey's theory all along. He'll love reading/watching this- thank you! Gorgeous pictures, as always:-).

  4. Well I totally disagree with his semantics. Sunlight is a major cause of skin cancer. Yes diet can mediate it, but it doesn't take away that sunlight causes free radical damage to your skin. Yes a good diet rich in antioxidants can help quench the reactions, but they are still there. And yes you need vitamin D for more than just cancer protection and the best source is the sun.

    But I really cringe when he says it is safe. Some people really do have to be careful. My husband's family has a huge genetic propensity to skin cancer (my husband has two siblings both have had problems with cancer, my SIL had melanoma, my husband has just had many abnormal moles taken off, but no real cancer yet). If they stay in the sun too much their risk of getting cancer goes way up. You can tell just by where the cancer is. Skin cancer in the face and the left side (drivers side) of the body is more common because those are the parts exposed to the sum more.

    Sadly my husband won't eat veggies. I've got him on a regimen of supplements. Oh how I wish he would eat his veggies, but that is a battle I've long since lost.

    One of the most interesting skin cancer studies I read years and years ago was that farmers don't get skin cancer as much as weekend warriors do. Their constant exposure isn't as bad as just being exposed on the weekends. I always wondered if they followed up on that and tried to find out the cause. The tan that protects them from the sun all summer? The ability of the body to learn to cope with a certain poison if exposed regularly? A better diet?

  5. I've always been leery of the "tans are bad" message. It does seem like common sense that the body would be able to manage moderate sun exposure. Have you ever seen the underarm sweat stains on a white t-shirt after someone has worn certain sunscreens? They're orange and obviously not from direct contact, rather it's what is excreted by the body when sunscreen is applied.

    That said, as a fair-skinned northerner, I am pretty careful in the summer because I have become ill from sunburn in the past. Mad dogs and Englishmen and all that.

  6. Purslane for chickens, you really are a genius Mr. H!

  7. Mr H your posts always make me think. I like that. I am not sure if I agree or disagree. I do not wear to much sunscreen, I do have family members with skin cancer not the bad one yet. I am torn, my kids burn almost immediately in the sun and become sick they do eat lots of Kale. It could be their Irish English skin, or not. I am not sure but I do love your bringing this to our table of thoughts. Being a farmer I am outside in the sun most of the summer which just like yours, is getting shorter every year. B

  8. This is an issue that that really gets my goat. We have been on this earth for thousands of years, yet skin cancer rates are only sky rocketing now that we slather toxic chemicals on our skin, eat all this artificial crap, bathe in polluted water, breath polluted air, and hide from the sun like moles. I have skin cancer in my very close family tree and am fair skinned, so I do keep up with the research. But I feel the sun is a wonderful thing that has far more benefits than we may even know. Funny how everyone wants to blame the life giving sun, but never questions the chemical laden, out for profit, toxic sunscreens.

  9. Thanks to you we have chicory growing at the moment. Kale is one of the new things we trying this winter. But our kale seems not growing that much I wonder why. Its good to wake up today and see all your greens.

  10. Nice post!! Thanks for the info! As your "neighbor" in Oregon, it's good to know. I've never tried purslane before.

  11. Getting enough organic Vitamin D in the diet, along with the proper ratio of A will go a long ways in allowing the body to utilize the sun properly.
    I used to burn something horrible, but ever since I started taking fermented cod liver oil, I can spend all day in intense sun without the slightest change in color.

  12. Interesting post...Australia has the highest sun cancer rate in the world..2 in 3 aussies will be diagnosed with it by age 70.1000 people are treated for skin cancer every day and 1830 people die from it each year.
    Organic sunscreen ..and cover up!! I think is the only way to protect yourself from harmful rays :0)All year round in our case.
    Our primary school kids are simply NOT allowed to play outside in the playground unless wearing sun screen and a hat.

  13. Mr H - Excellent post - thank you.

    Carrots (beta carotene) also help prevent, and sooth, sunburn.

  14. Although i didn't watch the clip - i know the message. I avoid using sunscreen as much as i can - just incase we find out that it kills people later on (hmm fermented cod liver oil - gee i'm into healthy things but i'm not rushing to the fish mongers for that one). But on the subject of herbs and vegies - what is your take on Oxalic acid in things like Purslane and Parsley? Eat moderately?

  15. Jane - It was an interesting perspective on the sun and the damages it may or may not cause depending upon a persons diet and health. Hope your husband does get a chance to view the video.:)

    Daphne - I suppose that it is because so many in my family have also had all these issues with cancer is the reason I am curious about alternative methods and ideas...especially since whatever they have been doing is obviously not working out so well. My main thoughts one this are more tuned towards the importnace of consuming these wonderful nutrient rich foods and to point out that they can easily be grown rather than purchased as expensive suppliments. I think that a diet high in these nutrients coupled with moderate sun exposure is a good thing but do understand how nervous someone in your husbands position would/should be about getting too much sun.

    I would love to read that study you are talking about regarding the farmers if you ever happen accross it again, sounds very interesting. One of the things they said about skin cancer in the Pacific Northwest was that the rates might be so high due to the number of people that are only occasionaly exposed to the sun and get too much at once, severly damaging their skin...not good.

    Bev - I think what you said about our body moderating sun exposure is right on...some sun everyday if at all possible but not so much that a person is burning to a crisp.

    Julie - Yep, purslane for chickens = super eggs.:)

    Buttons - I don't know for sure either...but I do know that my Irish/Finnish skin use to easily burn in the sun when I was younger but having so dramatically changed my diet over the last decade it is hard for me to even get a dark tan much less burn. So I do believe that a diet rich in the nutrients listed above makes a huge difference in ones health and ability to adapt to the sun.

    Malay-Kadazan Girl - That chicory is a wonderful plant and should make an excellent addition your stir fry meals. Kale can be picky about where it is grown sometimes. I have had patches in one row that do really well and a couple rows over that do not and must admit to not understanding why that is.

  16. Holly - You really must give purslane a go, it is an interesting succulent type plant with a very nice flavor.

    Paula - You said it all - allowing your body to utilize the sun by providing it with a healthy diet makes sense to me too. Yep, cod liver oil = omega 3. It was interesting to hear about how that has affected your ability to be in the sun for extended periods of time.

    Granny - I was reading about that and how, especially due to your geological circumstances, the sun does indeed shine down much harder one people in Australia. If you ever come across anything about the skin cancer rates in your countries aboriginal peoples it would be interesting to see if there is a difference.

    Dani - Yes, carrots lots of carrots.:)

    Chris - I would eat greens that have high oxolic acid in some moderation but I have read about how the high calcium content in many of these greens neutralizes the oxalic acid so we really do not worry too much about that as an issue.

  17. I also remember reading that people who do work like outdoor construction have less risk of skin cancers. Our bodies need sun and the habitual use of carcinogenic sun screens doesn't make sense to me. I will use them on occasion, but not for daily exposure. I've always thought getting the nutrients was important . . . and that is why it is important to not eat too terribly much food that isn't nutritious -- not because it is necessarily bad for us but because it means we eat less nutrient rich food.

    We eat our purslane raw, and also cooked like spinach. It is a bit intense as a cooked veggie all by itself, so it is usually mixed with half spinach, kale, cabbage, whatever. We steam it a bit then freeze it to preserve it.

  18. I stopped using sunscreens about two years ago because of conflicting studies about sunscreen and health. Now we use Shea Butter if we plan to be out in the hot 1-3/4 sun. But mostly we just limit our exposure to the harsh sunlight. Preferring to get our garden chores done in early morning or late evening.

    I think diet also helps a ton, I wish we had purslane near us because it is such an awesome weed! But alas I've never seen it on any of our walks and it doesn't grow in our yard. But once we find our forever property I will probably cultivate it.

  19. 1-3/4 o'clock. I don't think that was very clear having reread that. Ooops

  20. A friend of mine approached me recently to start selling an algae drink as a supplement. I had thought about, but thought that I couldn't combine that with exactly the message you are trying to get across. Why buy a funny powder preparation (which incidentally tastes like the inside of an aquarium), when all this goodness grows right under our noses. For free!

  21. Is there a good weed-identification resource out there? I'm sure we have most of the plants you list, but I have no idea what they look like or what their growth habits are. (I tend to just pull non-crops in my garden and the only edible weed I know is lambs-quarters.)

  22. Greens are such a big part of our diet. We have something green growing here 12 months out of the year. And kale is one of my favorite things! So easy to grow, tasty and nutritious.

    Purslane is amazing too. When we cleared the Impact garden last fall, it had been in sod for as long as anyone could remember. This year, want to guess what the number one 'weed' was? Yep, purslane! The seeds must have been dormant in the soil for many years, just waiting for the right conditions to sprout. The gardeners there have been enjoying this 'new' green!

  23. There is a lot of really interesting stuff on Natural News. It's amazing how much of what we thought to be scientifically true regarding our health is turning out not to be the case. Great post. It makes so much more sense to find the nutrients we need in local foods. Thanks for tackling this.

  24. I agree, as close to nature as possible. I would love to try purselane--wonder if it grows in FL??
    Peace & Raw Health,

  25. Wild green Purslane eh? We will have to see if it grows up here too. Personally, I will take all of the sunshine I can get, and I'm of Danish descent. Not going to live my life fearing something that probably won't come to fruition. And if it does, well, what a nice life it's been! I've made it to my 50s and it's all cream from here on! But to each his own. I think we would all be amazed at the vast improvement in our health if we ate our vegetables the way we should...and maybe a little venison thrown in too.:) Very enjoyable and interesting conversation Mr. H. Anna - P. River

  26. Well, if the chickens like chick weed and dandelions then I have plenty of both!

  27. wonderful post! Thank you for sharing the information and tips. We make a pasta salad with parsley pesto (from flat leaf Italian style parsley) instead of using mayonnaise. It has a wonderful flavor, but we always add black olives to the salad or it can be a bit over powering. It's a sneaky way to get in leafy greens to some picky eaters we have hanging around sometimes ;)

  28. CG - I have never tried eating the purslane cooked/steamed, might have to do so. My wife and I are huge believers in the fact that there is an amazingly efficient system in place on this planet and that if we just learn to work with it rather than trying to out guess it or work against it we will be much better off.

    Oxray Farm - "If" I manage to save some purslane seeds this year I will send you will like this plant.

    Heiko - Yes, I knew you would understand, why by it when you can grow it yourself...especially if it tastes like the inside of an aquarium.:)

    Eden - A few of my favorite books on the subject are -

    Medicinal Plants and Herbs (Peterson Field Guide by Steven Foster and James Duke

    Edible Wild Plants - A North American Feild Guide by Thomas Elias and Peter Dykeman

    Northwest Weeds by Ronald Taylor

    The Foragers Harvest by Samuel Thayer

    Wild Berries and Fruits feild guide by Teresa Marrone

    Weeds of the West (expensive) put out by the University of Wyoming

    Villager - Isn't it amazing how long some of these seeds can remain dormant in the soil and it's always nice when the edible plants come up on their own isn't it.:)

    Leigh - yes, the more I read and learn the more I realize just how little we do know about nutrition...perhaps because it is so simple. Which is one of the reasons you and I choose to grow our own.:)

    Elizabeth - It seems to thrive in warmer weather so I would imagine that this plant could indeed grow in Florida. As a matter of fact there is a video on purslane by Dean Green here and I think he might be in Florida?

    Anna - I like your philosophy.:) Huckleberries starting to ripen up there yet?

    Matron - They love both.:)

    SimplyFaith - Mmm, pasta salad with a parsley pesto sounds divine.:)

  29. I've never planted purslane but it pops up in many parts of my garden. Like you, I go out of my way to let it thrive. I love it in salads and also tossed in many soups (I put it in shortly before serving so it's little more than blanched).

    A couple of friends have asked for samples of my hardy little purslane. I sent them small plants in soil to plant into their gardens and 'my' hardly purslane is now growing in several different gardens.

  30. Chronic vitamin D deficiencies - triggered by long periods out of natural sunlight and a poor diet has been blamed for the return of rickets among children in the UK :(

    Always covering yourself or your children in sunscreen will surely result in burning on the few occasions when you are unprotected and the sun comes out. A healthy tan is just that. Consistent sun exposure is necessary for vitamin D production

  31. Janeen - How neat that you were able to spread the wealth, and in having such a valuable little nutrient dense plant one truly does have something of worth.:)

    Contandina - Wow, rickets is a 17th century disease brought on by malnutrition, thats really sad. Yes, give those kids an egg for breakfast, boot them outside, and take away those mindless video games and television.

  32. I believe nutrition is a huge part of our growing national declines in health - but I also believe protecting your skin from over exposure to sun is also important - but not with more chemicals - just a light shirt and hat please! Loved the info on purslane. Knew it was an edible but did not know it's merits.

  33. Good to know! We are all over the parsley here. Stuff is just plain tasty as all get out. I've heard more good things about purslane...might just have to keep an eye out while hiking.

    Being Native, neither The Barracuda or I burn. This is a good thing, because I break out in hives and major rashes from sunscreen. We are also big proponents of continuous sun exposure and reasonably low levels. Anytime we hike, we usually do so in minimal clothing to soak up as much Vitamin D as possible. Jules (the member of the family who burns) has found that eating 1 1/2 cups of wild salad greens has really cut down on his burns. We now just eat a large salad with most dinners and it has really helped.

    Horsetails are supposedly one of the best ways to ingest calcium. You make a tea from drying them. We are experimenting this winter. I didn't know if Ms. H had already snuck this into your medicinals of if you all had any experience with it since they grow everywhere around here.

  34. Fantastic topic! I've always been very leery of the constant sunscreen message. Sun exposure may lead to skin cancer for some, but vitamin D can be an important part of preventing much more deadly forms of cancer.

    One thing to add, for those who tend to burn and need sunscreen, I always recommend zinc oxide (the kind that makes your skin look white when it's on thick enough). The type that are oily and penetrate your skin contain molecules that absorb energy from the sun--I don't know if it's been proven or is just a convincing theory, but free radicals can be formed as those molecules absorb/divert the energy of the sun & I just plain don't trust that.

    I'm more than a little jealous of your gardening (looks more like farming to me) operation, there--well done!

  35. Free safe sun screen for those who barely need it: Loam.
    This year my UV index jumped up high pretty abruptly and I was gonna be out hiking in the sun wearing a T-shirt all day. Before leaving and then twice while gone I just rubbed some bone dry clean soil on my arms to give them a nice protective dusting, no burn. My ears got a little tender but I dont plan to rub my face in the dirt so instead I'll seek a broader hat next spring ;-)

    Far from the equator the sun wont provide much vitamin D in winter time, as one whos not much into pills when winter approaches I got into the habit of emptying vitamin D pills into a bottle of olive oil to provide me with 500 IU per teaspoon. Doesnt seem to effect the taste at all so I do it every winter now.

  36. Laura - When the sun is really bright a light shirt and hat is what I am wearing too. Purslane is amazing, and just like basil if you cut the top off it sends out side shoots making it a good cut and come again plant.

    Granola Girl - Really interesting what you said about Jules, so many answers are righ tthere in front of us if we would just pay more attention to the natural world around us.

    Thanks for the info. on Horsetail, I know where some are growing but did not realize they were edible...can't wait to make good use of them...thanks!

    po' pharmer - Very intersting information on zinc oxide, I will have to read up on that. But yes, vitamin D deficiency can lead to all sorts of health issues and if a person is not going to get any sun they had better consider at least taking suppliments.

    Kal - Plain old dry dirt as a sunscreen, I love it. The next time we are high in the mountains hiking I will definitely try this...what a great idea and so simple.:) Thanks for the tip on adding vitamin D to olive oil.

  37. wow! Thats one big Purslane! Things grow big in Idhao. It is funny you mention that they are hard to grow...Where I least want, expect, I see lamb's quart growing. I am sure once I put the seeds down, nothing will grow : ).

    Planning a trip up. Would love to come by and say hello.

  38. Love your purslane proselytizing, Mike!

    We make purslane salad dressing, here's a recipe from my blog:

  39. WeekendFarner - Yes, for some reason certain plants always seem to do a much better job of planting themselves compared to how they do when we plant them. Your more than welcome to stop in and say hello, just look for us out back in the garden.:)

    6512 and growing - Thanks so much for the recipe, it sounds quite good. Love your week of pictures.

  40. This is excellent information! We don't have Purslane, but Kale is available and very good in a salad or smoothie. I plan to plant this hardy plant this fall and see how long I can keep it alive. I really think it is true that we (many people) jump on the band-wagon of a new talked about product from half-way around the world when we have the same, or better, nutrients in our backyard. Again this was an insightful and well written article, inspiring and much to think about.


  41. Brenda - Take a look at this article sometime when you get a chance, it is just one of many that I have recently read that inspires me to grow plants like kale in our's truly amazing just how healthy some of these foods can be.:)

  42. Your garden looks fantastic. All the sun avoidance has our nation developing vitamin D deficiency...but the power of the sun here can fry pale skin in minutes!
    Got to grow purslane, a weed should be easy to grow! :)

  43. Well said! Fresh, plant-based, whole-foods are optimal nutrients for our health, scientifically speaking. :o) And oh, how beautiful your garden grows...

  44. P.S. And you're spot on about the importance of getting a little sunshine each day. Natural Vitamin D, scientifically speaking, is absolutely healthiest for us. One can check out for scientific research supporting this and more.

  45. Mrs. Bok - Everything in moderation, including the sun, brings about a good natural order to ones health. Hope you get a chance to try growing purslane, once established it pretty much takes care of itself and is such a nutritious green.

    Ms. Adventuress - Thanks, I just read the article by Dr. Hollick...very interesting. I look forward to browsing through more on this site.:)

  46. The gardens are looking incredible! I aspire to achieve what you and your wife do!

    This year I planted celery (after seeing yours stored in the cold cellar) how do I know when it is ready to harvest? :)

  47. Kimberly - That's great that you are growing celery. You can pick a few stalks here and there all summer long but don't have to harvest all of it until just before a heavy frost sets in at which time it should be fully grown. Sometimes I even put a row cover over our red variety and am able to eat it fresh from the garden late into the winter.

    Here is an excellent article on growing and harvesting celery -

  48. well that puts it in perspective. I'm always suckered in by powders and other "superfoods". Guess all I really need to do is cook more!

    Your parsley looks wonderful!

  49. Wendy - We do love our parsley.:)

  50. Awesome post and so very true!!

    What is different with our sky now vs many years ago is the changes in the atmosphere. Remember the ozone hole!

    Wacky weather for sure. Then again.. high solar flare activity.. although I am not sure how long this cycle is to last.

    As my sister is battling cancer, the only thing keeping her going as well as she is... is the fact she is consuming fresh organic produce. When possible, fresh is best. Higher enzyme content, higher vitamin content.. and an intense awareness of how polluted typical daily life is.

    Anyways.. love the post!!

  51. Anne - Yes, it is a polluted world we live in and it can be a bit disheartening at times. I guess what it comes down to is how much of this pollution can we protect ourselves from which is why a healthy diet is so important.

    You know I wish the best for your sister and am glad to hear that the fresh foods are helping her in this battle. My dad is going through something similar but unfortunately will not make any attempt to improve his health through a better diet...which is so very frustrating because I know it could make a world of difference.

  52. Howdy Mr H!

    I read this post a while back, but did not have time to post my comment.

    First, Love, Love, Love your garden photo's! You both keep me insprired!

    I enjoyed this post, especially your having the Health Ranger on. You have many great comments left here. I agreed with most of the Health Ranger's video, except the fish oil part, only because I'm pretty concerned about ingesting something that comes from possible contaimiated waters these days. How can we be sure the fish are not contaminated... is my question.

    Vit D can be taken in from a variety of veggies and herbs as you stated. We personally, do not take any man-made suppliments because I believe the body does not use or recognize them. I believe the man-made suppliments (like multi vitamins, etc.) cause cancer, in due time.

    As I have learned, skin cancer, if we get it, is due to our bodies being toxic, and the sun just brings it to the surface of the skin. It's important to eat as clean food (no chemicals/gmo's)and drink alot of pure water (I am told up to a gallon, depending on your weight) as possible.

    While sunburn is not a good thing, I don't believe you get cancer from it. I do believe the cancer rate is higer in the Pacific NW due to low sunshine. I love the sun, and I think it does heal our bodies. One reason we are seeking an area where there is more sunshine.

    I will also add, I am disgusted at the lies that are told to the people of the world. VERY sad, majority of the people don't realize it's all about keeping you sick, experimenting drugs/chemicals on you.

    Thanks for a thoughtful post! This one got me fired up!

    Blessings to you both,

  53. Kris - Thanks for taking the time to express your thoughts on this. Like you, I am convinced more than ever that we are indeed being used as human guinea pigs and that the healthiest diet is that which comes directly from nature or our own gardens...and even that can no longer be 100% uncontaminated due to pollutants that are beyond our control.

    As you stated, it is very sad that we as a people have decided to allow our planet and health to fall by the wayside for a variety of foolish reasons...very sad.

    I will also take a pass on the fish oil.:)
