Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Tantrums of Spring

...and this morning (April 22) looks even worse.:)


  1. I think Mother Nature is getting a bit old to be throwing tantrums. It's about time she grew up and started acting like a responsible adult!

  2. Hah! She is a big baby, I agree.

  3. This is just not fair, you are so right Annie's Granny.... she should just grow up!

  4. Yikes! That's not a good thing for the garden. Hope it's not a sign of more to come!

  5. Spring, things between us haven't been working for a long time, sometimes I just don't know who you are anymore. Maybe it's time we just moved on.

    Oh, and I think you need some help with your anger management issues.

  6. we had the same problem here,sun,rain,ice pellets and snow,glad my garden is not planted. I hope what you have in can handle it..

  7. Yup - we got some of that too - about half an inch so far today. We hadn't even yet gotten rid of all the winter's snow on the gardens - almost, but not quite. At least the ground's not frozen any more...

  8. I call it "Dancing on my eager Spring toes"
    Hang in there, it's bound to warm up and be nice*wink*


    PS. our local new just said we have a 60% chance for snow, possibly 13" of snow.

  9. Oh no! I hope she starts behaving soon. Nothing like snow, but we also just had a frosty morning at 31°F the other day. I was glad we didn't have anything planted outside yet. Hope your plants survived this tantrum!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. huh .. I just made a similar post .. I suppose we should be thankful we are not in the throws of the drought in Texas (wild fires and all) .. nor the spring tornadoes in the mid-west. Still, hurry up already spring!!!

  12. Looked the same here today and yesterday morning it was 18 degrees! Unfortunately I forgot to bring my onions seedlings in that night, can you believe some are still okay after being frozen solid?

    Can you tell me which red and green cabbage varieties you have found best for storing? I'm determined to get a root cellar dug this summer.

  13. I totally agree. I almost called the local TV station to complain about their weather person. The anchor and the weather person both were astonished that we could get snow in the Pacific NW in mid April. What they both should have known was that we have had snow showers in the each of the last three years and I have pictures to prove it on my blog. Actually this year we only got hail at my house, but it was snow elsewhere in the area.

  14. We had an inch of snow over our lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, onions, and all of the other plants today. The temp warmed up a bit this afternoon and I checked out the damage. It doesn't look too bad. A couple of of lil guys died. Hope your having fun out there!

  15. Oh my what a tantrum! I hope mother nature will behave soon.

  16. Today was very frustrating (N.E.Washington).... I am sooo ready for spring! Two years of this tantrum should not be allowed!

  17. i suppose we're all in good company these days... not so hot, very cold, wet and generally miserable with a sprinkling of sunny days to remind us of what we're missing...

  18. I think Prince might be better qualified as a weatherman, he's always going on about how it sometimes it snows in April ;-) Stay warm people, spring must surely be around the corner.

  19. Elizabeth - 18°...yikes. I have good luck with green Danish Ballhead, and Copenhagan cabbages. My favorite red varieties are Red Acre and Ruby Ball but we will be trying Super Red 80 this year for the first time as well. We seem to have the best luck with red cabbages in storage.

  20. Mr H. oh yes this has been a very interesting April I don't know why we are complaining I guess because we get a taste of Spring then it seems to disappear. B

  21. Here in the UK we have the opposite problem at present. It is MUCH warmer and much drier than we normally get at this time of year, which is nice if you want to lounge about in a deck-chair and drink cold beer, but the plants in our gardens are already getting thirsty too, and they need a steady supply of moisture in order to well - especially the veg. Even though we complain about it when it happens, we do actually NEED some rain.

  22. Oh no. Not snow. I don't even want to think about that right now.

  23. Various expletives come to mind which shouldn't go into print! Man, how are you going to manage to ripen your tomatoes? It looks a long way off before you can plant them out. We're now needing to water every day and toms going out next week.

  24. D@#N April! I can't believe it snowed for you. Yuk. It got super cold here today, but no snow. It's so cold that it killed 3 of my seedlings that I planted outdoors. Ugh. BTW, I'm currently hosting a giveaway of pie cutters on my blog. If you're interested, today is the last day to enter.

  25. that is just ridiculous! we are rained out... another 2 inches of rain tonite/tomorrow. its just nuts!

    hang in there, brother!

  26. Merry Christmas! Ops, wait, in't this Easter?

  27. you snow, me flood. Yippee! (but I know you can handle it and have not yet moved your summer crops outside..)

  28. you gotta be kidding me!!
    I won't even tell you how lovely our weather has been.
    Sending sunny warm thoughts your way.
    Peace and Raw Health,

  29. We're almost a state closer to the coast than you all and we are still receiving hard frosts. IT IS CRAZY!

    We are stocking up on Tomato paste from the restaurant supply, 'cause I have a feeling it is going to be a bad year! :)

  30. I will quit complaining about our colder than normal weather all spring - because in comparison you have far more right to complain than I do! I sincerely hope this does not mean we are in for another "summer that wasn't" again.

  31. Good grief ! Thats Spring ?..Our Winter doesnt even look like that,lol.
    We are having a very warm Autumn here..temps still around 28c,Im longing for a Winter chill :0)

  32. Hi everyone, it looks to be a gloriously sunny day today and most of the snow has melted away. As long as things shape up by mid May at the latest we should still have an excellent gardening year...although we are missing some of the spring lettuces that would normally have grown quite a bit more by now. We don't dare plant our tomatoes and other heat loving plants until late May/early June so that is not an issue...unfortunately we are still baby sitting them inside as it is just too cold for them to manage in the greenhouse. I have high hopes that this will be an excellent gardening year once we get through April and May...thanks for all the comments.:)

  33. We had 11 inches a week or so ago, finally it is melting and we are seeing some grass between shrinking piles. Winter did not want to let go this year


  34. Even Rowdy looks dismayed! Hope things heat up soon ; )

  35. Oh, Spring is saying "don't take me for granted"...

  36. Oh no, what a tantrum, that is. I hear tell we've had the coldest/wettest winter in some time (or history?) too, but we cannot complain as we're missing your snow.

    And my, I wish you'd had better luck with sending out the positive vibes. I'm working on more of that myself (because apparently I can't outright control others...gah).


  37. Snow, tornado, torrential downpour, flood, earthquake, tsunami -- pick one.

    See how easy that was, Mike?

  38. Even in the snow, I can see the beauty and fertility of your place.
