Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Almost Wordless Wednesday

Our little house in amongst the green.


  1. I just love your patch of paradise Mr and Mrs H :0)

  2. I think it's PERFECT... I love the woodsy green setting. I'd take woodsy green over a tropical beach any day of the week! Simply beautiful.

  3. ohhhhhhh soooooo beautiful!!! i love it!!!

  4. You have a lovely home, Mr H.
    I would like to have more shrubs and trees around my house, but we have a lot of mosquitoes here and this would just increase the problem.

  5. Very pretty and peaceful. Did you build it yourself? So now I know what I'm aiming for. Once I paddled across the big water I head west until I hit Idaho, turn right and start looking for that wooden house in the green. It's a doddle.

  6. wonderful, so happy to see it in its entirety, almost expect to see a leprechaun dancing there in the green - we have so much rain it is hurting some plants like the cherries and berries - i assume you both are savoring the joys of the season as we are here, peace

  7. It really is a Little house in the big woods! Looks lovely and peaceful.

  8. Your home and surrounding landscape is just as tranquil as I had imagined. Mossy rock, shady's lovely and beckons the admirer to get a closer look.

    Thank you for the peek!

  9. I would feel right at home there! Lovely setting that creates a nice feeling of retreat and tranquility.

  10. Could the landscape get any greener?:) Looks like a lovely spot in the North Woods!

  11. It is a beautiful house in a wonderful setting. I hope ours can look as nice one day!

  12. Wow... what growing zone are you in? That's beautiful!

  13. peace...totally worth rolling up your sleeves and getting your hands dirty for, no?

  14. Thanks everyone,

    I was down working in our driveway and was just amazed at how green everything looked and thought to myself that I should do a picture post of the house and yard.:)

    Heiko, the house was built in the early 1930's, but not by me. After you cross the big water and head west towards Idaho you will come to a small water logged field with "No Trespassing" signs posted on the gated fence. Don't pay them any mind, come on through.

    Linda, we are somewhere in between zones 5-6...although it feels like we are in the Seattle zone this spring with so much rainy weather.

    Randi, peace is worth any amount of effort.:)

  15. Absolulely breathtaking, Mr. H! While I love our farm, there is something magical about a woodland retreat such as yours. Thanks for sharing.

  16. What a beautiful place! I love how lush and green it is :)

  17. What a beautiful little scene. How far is your garden from the woods?, parts of mine are sort of close and in drier times I think the tree roots suck some of the water out. Do you have any suggestions as to how far away the trees should be? Your gardens are so tidy and orderly, very impressive, mine are more that of an abstract artist meets Fukuoka"s One straw revolution, but I'm working on it! The dog looks so cute and Smart.Do you play games with him like Hide and go seek? Put him in a sit stay, you hide and then call him and have him find you- great fun and challenging for the dog, he might like it.

  18. It's so nice to see a picture of where you are. Informative and welcoming. Thanks for sharing...

  19. Oh, somehow I missed this lovely and lush and green your place is! I love those beautiful ferns!

  20. Lorena - our whole yard is filled with large trees so we just do our best to garden around them. You are right in that the trees really do take away moisture from the plants growing close to them. Some things do better than others next to trees, beans don't seem to mind so much and we have had luck with rhubarb growing right under a couple of trees.

    Rowdy loves to play fetch, and does play hide and seek with the grandson. He still has a hard time finding him though.:)

    I love the way Fukuoka gardens. I need to get that book one of these days.
