Friday, March 26, 2010

Potting Tomatoes and Three Courses of Kale

We started potting our tomatoes and little tomatillos in 4" pots the other day, my wife's an old pro at this, me, I'm very slow. She roughly packs them into the pots with assembly line quickness while I want each one to be just perfect and am so gentle and careful that I am best left to deal with other tasks like making sure she has all the supplies needed for the operation and telling her to be careful with the plants. She assures me that tomatoes are tough and can handle it. She is right, but still...

The root cellar is still full of everything and the garden of greens.

We celebrated kale last night with a veritable kale salad extravaganza. A kale and potato salad, a kale/chicory/celery/root veggie salad, and a warm kale and squash salad. Mmm...Mikey likes kale.


  1. That meal is amazing! I am forever in awe of your incredible diet and recognize it takes a lot of work to eat that way because of all the prep involved. I long for the day when I will have the time- and the bounty!:-)

  2. I will soon have lots of seedling to pot up, as well. have to wait a few more weeks here :-(

    I am so impatient.

  3. i need to move out of NJ to warmer locations : )

    Heard on NPR to have tea with the roots of Spring Dandillions. I thought you might know of this.

    Just dig out fresh roots and simmer? How would you do it?

  4. mmmm! kale is my favorite, and they were all out at the store yesterday. with my eating habits, i really need to start growing my own produce year round like you.

    last spring we started a square foot garden, and this year we built a 6x6 raised bed. baby steps! =)

  5. Great colorful photos, Mike! You guys made some beautiful salads -- when does the roadside drive-thru open up?

    I am so envious of your carrots and beets. Here, we have only greens, but that works too. The only beets we have are some beet greens but being Bulls Blood, those greens are red. lol

    I love the idea of putting kale into potato salad and seeing it on the serving platter makes me hunger for some. I'll steal that idea soon! Since you don't have that drive-thru up and running yet. ;-)

    Seriously though, I would love seeing more of your salad combos and the feasts that you prepare. The inspirational photos you share certainly do help when thinking of ways to utilize our produce.

    PS I won -- the 3rd veggie plot is a done deal!

  6. I love kale and really never grow quite enough of it. Need to remember that when I put the fall crops into motion for next year and quadruple my customary planting amounts. The tomato seedlings look great and the salads look even better!

  7. Yummm A Licious! ...and way to go Mrs. H... the tomato plants look great!

  8. Kale is on everyone's menu today! Wanted to make sure you saw this post...

  9. I have moved today my tomatoes outdoors. They are under a cold frame at the moment. I will not do any further potting up; I will just wait for end of April to get them into garden.

    Kale is not my favorite vegetable, but these meals look like a very good combination of food, especially one with potato.

  10. Thyhand - The one nice thing about our meals is that we usually make enough for breakfast as well, thus we rarely have to cook anything in the morning...maybe a few eggs. I enjoyed looking at the kale chip recipe and will have to try it.

    Sheryl - Most of our seedlings are a week or two away from potting as well, but we are off to an early start on the tomatoes as they are not all for us this year. It really is hard to be patient in the spring though.:)

    WeekendFarmer - You can dice the roots of a dandelion up into small bits and spread them out on on a baking sheet. Bake for about two hours at 300 and steep them in a tea colander. Or, you can skip the whole baking thing and just steep the diced raw roots as well...I like the baked ones better though.

    The flowers can also be used for tea by steeping them in hot water for 15-20 minutes.

    Don't let our sunny weather fool you, last year we were still shoveling snow well into April.:)

    Kelli - I hope you do try to grow kale if you have not already. I think you might be surprised how much better your fresh garden kale tastes compared to the stuff you are able to buy...especially in the winter. A 6x6 bed can hold a whole lot of greens.:)

    Lynn - Our drive through is open between 3 and 5 AM as we only serve early morning breakfast salads. It is a self-serve live salad bar but we do provide the seating arrangements, eating utensils, and a fresh cup of chicory root coffee.:)

    You are going to be so busy this summer, but you won't go hungry. Congrats on the new addition.

    I love bulls blood beet reds, we don't have any right now and I wish we did. That is Hunters favorite beet...because of the blood of course.

    KitsapFG - The nice thing about kale is that it is so darn versatile. Put it on a pizza, in soup, sandwich, salad, freeze it, over winter it in the garden, easy to save seed off of...

    Mavis - Mrs. H is always in charge of little seedlings and very good at her job.

    vrtlarcia - I am looking forward to seeing your planted tomatoes. We might risk a mid May planting this year but I will have to see how the weather holds out.

  11. Only just managed to catch up. Had a bit of traumatic day yesterday, we became cat grandparents! Photos to follow later...

    Your tomato seedlings look further advanced than mine. Just as well we have a longer growing season to ripen them. And your kale dinner sounds great too. Do you cook it for the potato salad or use it raw?

  12. She's right, you know.
    The salad is beautiful. I can't wait to see the bounty that's going to pour out of your ground this year.

  13. Heiko - The kale that we used with the potatoe salad and the squash dish came out of the freezer so it was blanched but not really cooked. We are trying to use all the frozen stuff up.

    I'm off to have a peek at your grandchildren.:)

    Stefaneener - Thanks, Honestly I hate the picture but my much better half insisted I post it. It did taste great though.

  14. Oh, you are making me hungry!! We love kale and ate it several times last week in dishes. In Germany I remember that my grandmother cooked with it a lot. I've always liked it. Your tomato plants look great! Mrs. H. looks like she has it all under control... Happy Sunday! :) Silke

  15. Silke,

    Happy Sunday! Unfortunately, I think it will be a rain day for us.:( I hope you have some sunshine.

    Mrs H. did a great job and we only have a couple more flats to go and all the tomatoes will be potted.

  16. Thanks for your comment this morning, Mr. H.! My new profile picture was taken just last night. Winslow likes to come up on the couch, sit behind me and lean on my back. It's the sweetest thing. Just a minute before, he had his head resting on my shoulder, but then he sat up for the camera... :) Silke

  17. Seriously. My mouth is WATERING. I feel so Pavlovianly predictable every time I visit your blog Mr H!!!

    Dang, that meal looks ah-mazing!

    I can almost taste it...mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  18. It was good. I must admit that a peasants garden does allow one to eat like a king.:)

  19. Man oh man, YUM with the kale :)
