Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sweet Tomato Pie

Every once in a while you come across a really great recipe that just calls out to you "try me," and once you do you're hooked. Here is how we made a sweet tomato pie with some of our extra tomatoes.

Pre-bake your favorite homemade crust and add two layers of tomatoes and herbed seasoning

Add cheese mixed with kefir (or mayonnaise)

Layer with some carefully sauteed (caramelized) onions and garlic

Top with a few red or green peppers and more seasoning

Bake at 350 for 30 minutes

Enjoy dinner as if it were dessert

This most delicious recipe can be found at -☺


  1. Mr. H.
    Oh you can tell it has all the right ingredients for something delicious. And it looks wonderful. I'll file this one for next year, sadly all my tomatoes are gone.
    Thanks for the recipe.

  2. Vickie,

    Yes, it would have been nice to have run across this recipe earlier on in the season. Perhaps it's a good thing we didn't though as it is probably a bit high in calories.

  3. Sounds good -- maybe with a crumb layer only on the bottom you could lower the calories slightly, but winter calls for comfort food!

  4. Oh WOW! That looks so good! I had to refocus my dyslexic mind to read Tomato instead of Potato! Did you use Italian seasonings? So good!

  5. Ooo!

    What's your address? I'm on my way over!

  6. That looks mmm mmm good! And I'm sure that all the hard work you do in the garden would burn off any excess calories in a trice.

  7. Stefaneener,

    That is the best part of winter for sure. I just have to be careful not to get too comfortable.:)

  8. Looks yumm a licious... I will save this one for next summer when I am swimming in fresh tomatoes... Is that a whole wheat pie crust you made?

  9. El,

    Head about 1800 miles to the west, turn right at the tip of Idaho and we are the forth house on the left just past the giant red fir tree missing branches on one side. If you come across Dan Barnabi's cows in the middle of the road you've gone too far.:)

  10. Michelle,

    You would think so but I usually gain a few pounds in the summer. We both focus a lot more on working out during the winter months so that we don't gain too much excess with all the excess we hopefully produced.

  11. Mavis,

    My wife made the most delicious crust using a hard white wheat flour with a couple tablespoons of cornmeal. Hard white wheat is much healthier, and heavier, than white flour but still does the job.

  12. Diane,

    Speaking of dyslexia, I almost released this post with the word potato in the first sentence...oops. We seasoned with basil, dried thyme and savory, along with a bit of salt, pepper, and a hint of sugar.

  13. Man, you want to move in with us? I'll follow your directions to come over to you! We could always swap places for a season or two! If you'd run our place, you'd have no shortage of excersise, cycling up and down the mountains to our land even in winter.

    We on the other hand can both do with gaining some wait, we tend to burn more than we can eat!

  14. ...sorry weight, not wait of course...

  15. That would be great Heiko! Now, that would be east or west by...what, about 6,000 miles or so? If I walk and swim to lose weight I could possibly be there in about 2 years. Perhaps I had better take up sailing I have serious doubts about swimming that far.

    Just keep an eye out for the gaunt pale faced fellow that looks like he just washed up on shore after spending a year at sea.:)

    All the exercise that you two receive will keep you fit and happy well into old age. After all, they say that Caloric Restriction leads to a longer life span.:)

  16. Mr. H., Again you have made me hungry! This looks delicious and I am going to try it very soon!! Thank you!!! :) Silke

  17. Silke,

    It tastes much better than it looks, you will love it!

  18. Sounds delicious, will have to try it.
    Great blog too, how can I "Follow" you ?

  19. Gary Jen and Ruby,

    Hi, thanks for visiting all the way from the United Kingdom.:) The best way to follow this blog would be to add it to your blog list I suppose. I know that there is a follower gadget but have not got around to fully setting it up yet.

    I did add your blog to my list as it appears to be an excellent source of information on growing ones own food.

    Thanks for visiting,


  20. Looks great! If only I hadn't eaten the last of my tomatoes. I like my seasonal eating but tomatoes are one of the crops I crave all year round.

  21. Frugilegus,

    What is life without a tomato? I am a seasonal eater as well, but only after I have put every effort into extending the season for as long as possible.

    I always miss green beans the most, funny thing is they are not one of my favorite foods.
